Daniel has embraced all the elements of his identify, from being a 3rd generation refugee, a proud queer man, an immensely gifted creative writer, and an Asian American who is thriving today amidst the fecund energies of New Orleans. He recently debuted his collection of poems in "Anatomy of Want."
Clinical psychologist and progressive Christian Hall believes that, despite the killer's denial, this was an anti-Asian hate crime. Hall also believes that Long's so-called "sex addiction" has deep roots in the "purity culture" that continues to pervade white Evangelicalism.
Adventurer, spiritual leader, and artist Gideon Tsang tackles this question with the signature style of a Seven. Intermixed with stories of travel and making new friends in surprising places, is a commitment to honest self-assessment. Gideon shares how his Enneagram journey has led to personal and spiritual transformation in a series of readings that will delight readers and enlighten readers who want to understand the world of the Seven more fully.
Given the appalling 1,900% increase in violence aimed at Asian Americans today, friends and fellow podcasters Ken Fong and Ken Kemp had an in-depth and honest conversation about not just pandemic-related racism focused on Asian Americans, but also the oft-ignored dark chapters of America's history where Asians have suffered and died because they were made the scapegoats..
The successful landing of the Perseverance rover on Mars prompted this second fascinating conversation with Dr. Vasavada, NASA's project scientist for the Curiosity rover, which has determined that Mars once could have been home to living organisms! If there was life, the technology on the latests rover will hopefully find evidence of this.
LA-based Korean American therapist Sharon Kwon decided to stick her neck out and write a piece to address the external and internal forces that keep contributing to Asians in America being overlooked and "othered." The Huffington Post published her piece on 2/18/21 and it immediately went viral.