Film Producer Teddy Zee talks about his radical spiritual transformation and the amazing difference it's made in his life. He also discusses his path from growing up in a poor family all the way to becoming a creative executive at some of Hollywood's biggest studios. (Ken’s Intro: Comedy Virgin)
Writer and management expert Rob Asghar talks about his complicated spiritual journey: born a Muslim, converted to Christianity, and currently something in-between. Rob also discusses why Asian Americans haven't often been chosen for significant leadership positions. (Ken’s Intro: Being Boring is a Sin!)
Criminal defense lawyer Mia Yamamoto hates phonies and cowards, so she couldn't die as one of them. Mia discusses her early life as a man, her transition to being a woman, and her pursuit of authenticity. (Ken’s Intro: Ladyboys)
Up-and-coming film director Jason Poon talks about his new film PICTURE TAIPEI, his extensive experience with making videos for YouTube stars, and the current state of AsianAm cinema. (Ken’s Intro: Celebrity Me)
No guest today! So instead, Ken issues talks about his wife Snoopy, and how they work things out when they are at different places spiritually and philosophically. (Ken’s Intro: Rate us on iTunes!)